DOC.READER and DOC. READER.PLUS by Tony Pizza (Compuserve 72257,160; Genie A.PIZZA) 1/9/90 These programs are intended to select and display the contents of up to 60 Appleworks Word Processor (AWP) and Text (TXT) files, to the screen or printer, using Karl Bunker's excellent program, DOGPAW. DOGPAW allows back and forth paging, and version 3.30 can read Appleworks 3.0 files using the newer tab features. DOC.READER is intended to be used to read file names of the volume directory of the disk it and DOGPAW are on. It lists up to 60 AWP and TXT files in a menu for selection. It would be useful on an educational disk to read information. It can be used in a subdirectory, but DOGPAW must also be there, too. DOC.READER.PLUS is larger and can select from other disk directories and subdirectories, and then list AWP and TXT files in a menu. It is also limited to 60 files. Both programs disconnect the DOGPAW external command and free the memory it uses when the exit option is chosen. Once you get used to the menu, you won't want to type in the direct command and file names, anyway. Additional information about DOGPAW can be found in: Compuserve APPRODUCT forum, library 7, as DOGPAW.BXY GENIE Apple II Developer Forum, File #984, DOGPAW330.BXY The program isn't too elegant, as I combined pieces of different programs, and in some cases reassigned variables instead of changing their names. I checked them extensively for bugs, and both seem pretty clean. I'll probably find one right after I upload them. And of course, the first one who downloads it will press some combination of keys that I never did and find a bug, so notify me by E-mail if you find some.